Exploring Beam Community

We will be sharing the results of our 2024 research at CodeBeam Europe

Welcome to our 2024 research on the European BEAM Community!

We invite you to explore and participate in our surveys to help us understand the adoption, diversity, and challenges of BEAM languages across Europe.

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About the Project

Our research analyzes the adoption, diversity, and challenges faced by developers, companies, and academia in Europe in using BEAM languages (Erlang, Elixir, Gleam). We aim to provide actionable insights for stakeholders involved in the BEAM ecosystem by evaluating the impact of these technologies in their specific contexts and enhancing the use of BEAM technologies.


  • Identify the demographic and professional profiles of BEAM developers in Europe.
  • Evaluate the diversity and inclusivity within the BEAM developer community, considering gender, cultural background, socio-economic status, and community engagement.
  • Analyze the motivations and challenges of companies and academia in adopting BEAM languages.
  • Assess the impact of adopting BEAM languages on organizations' productivity, software quality, and scalability.