Exploring Beam Community

We will be sharing the results of our 2024 research at CodeBeam Europe

About us!

Feel free to contact us with any feedback ✉️, issues 🛠️, or questions.

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Icia Carro Barallobre

Software Engenieer

@ Peer Stritzinger


I am a Software Engineer and a psychology student. Inspired by the kindness and collaboration spirit of the Elixir community, I’m dedicated to cultivating that same culture of kindness and cooperation into every thing I do. I began my career in backend development with Kotlin and Spring Boot at a pet health insurance startup, and then, I transitioned into data analysis. During this journey, I discovered Elixir and the BEAM languages through university studies and the Stack Overflow survey, where Elixir and Phoenix were highlighted as beloved frameworks. Now, I work at Peer Stritzinger GmbH, focusing on Erlang solutions for embedded systems.

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Maria Jose Gavilan

Researcher / Project Manager

@ Peer Stritzinger


Passionate about people, their organizational methods, creative processes, and the need for communication and community. I run a private practice in San José, providing therapy and developing treatment plans. My journey into psychology began with a Licentiate from UCACIS and a diploma in Art Therapy from UAM, sparking my interest in connecting psychoanalysis with art. In 2015, I co-founded Kunsthilft in Berlin, offering therapeutic art workshops for refugee children. I combine my expertise in psychology with project management, bringing a unique perspective to my work.